Warning Lights (RED)

Anything to do with the electrics of the car.

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Warning Lights (RED)

Post by Dez »

Please give me guidance,
I have an Mk1 from 85 (LHD) and whilst driving home the other evening I had the battery and fan warning lights flash momentarily this happened a few times over the hour but only for a split second. I tried to see if it this speed related or connected to vibration, failed - non the wiser. The following day when I climbed inside her, (the car that is) when turning the key to the primary ignition setting I could not get any of the warning lights to stay on but they did flash momentarily again, a further turn of the key and she started no problem. I thought it might be the belt but on inspection it is in good condition and has good tension, no associated high pitched squeals with slip either, additionally the alternator is relatively new.
Please help, tell me it is a sticky relay and if so where is it.???
Many Thanks in advance.

Dez. DK

PS Can't even get the hand brake warning light to stay on.

Re: Warning Lights (RED)

Post by Guest »

Hi. I'm suprised to hear that your handbrake warning light doesn't even stay on. I wonder if it's an earthing problem. If the car is in neutral with the handbrake on - and you start the engine - does the handbrake light flicker on while you're trying to start the engine?

If it does then it sounds to me as though it's a loose connection somewhere. When the engine starts it's usually moving around on the engine mountings and this movement can be enough to shake cables and earth points so they sometimes give a connection (the light flickers on) and sometimes break the connection (the light flickers off). Once the engine is running it's usually smoother so there is less shaking to disturb the wires.

You said the alternator is fairly new - was it replaced while you owned the car? The reason it was replaced may be related to what's happening now... What were the things that caused you to replace the alternator?

Has any work been done in or around the dashboard? A new radio or similar thing fitted or replaced?

On this occasion it may be easier to work out where the problem isn't rather than where it is...

I assume the engine runs without any problem and the car drives normally? If so all the major earth and electrical connections are ok. I also assume all the lights work normally such as headlights, brake lights and indicators...? The indicators - do they flash at their normal rate and do any other lights flash in time with them?

If all of that works as normal then we can rule out virtually all of the electrical connections in the car. I think the problem is a faulty earth for the dashboard lights. Does the rev counter work normally or does it fall back to zero sometimes? Do the lights that light up the dials during the night stay on constantly or do they flicker when driving over bumps?

If all the other things like the rev counter (I don't even know if it's cable driven or not...assuming it's electronic) and the night time instrument lights also flicker then it's a more widespread problem, again it'll be earthing but affecting more equipment.

If all the other things look fine then it may be that the earth point for the hand brake, engine warning, etc lights in the dash is loose... I don't know where they are but I'd imagine they're around the dash area...

Hope this helps... let us know how it goes....

Best wishes,


Re: Warning Lights (RED)

Post by Dez »

Dear Si,
Very many thanks for the direction. I found the earth problem, it was the battery. I had charged it but failed to clean up the posts as I was in such a rush to get back behind the wheel after a long winter. Will not even take it out of the garage if it looks like rain. Once again thanks for saving me many hours of head scratching, swearing and excessive damage to the surrounding area.



Re: Warning Lights (RED)

Post by Guest »

Hi - Good news! Glad to hear it's all sorted out!

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