Submitting a Knowledge Base Article


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[url=]Knowledge Base - Submitting a Knowledge Base Article[/url]

How to write and submit a KB article

First off, I recommend if you've got a large body of text to write, you prepare it in a program on your computer. Don't worry about formatting in the program, just the text. Therefore a simple program such as Notepad (on Windows) or TextEdit (on Mac) will suffice. This is just so that if anything should go wrong while you're going through the internet process (such as a browser error or a page timeout) you will still have the text stored locally so you don't have to do it all again.

With that done, the first step is to navigate to the Knowledge Base. The link for this is at the top of each page with the batch of other links:


Then select which Mark of MR2 you'd like to submit the article for - or even one of the other sections. For this example we've got a Mk1 article, so click on the Mk1 section:


And choose which of the sections within the Mk1 section your article will apply to. In this case, it's the Exterior:


Now we've navigated to the section where we'd like the article we are about to submit to be. It's recommended you double check that you've navigated to the correct section before you begin the article submission. When you're satisfied that it's in the right place, click on Submit article at the top, just under the Knowledge Base title:


The submit article window will come up as below. Give your article a good title and description - members will use this to find your article so be descriptive (but concise if possible)!
With the article name and description done, begin the process of entering the text in the main box:


Below the main text entry box is a selection box where you should choose what type of article you've written; text how to, picture how-to or technical information:


Don't submit just yet! Preview first using the preview button to double check everything works:


As you can see, the preview is shown at the top, and you can still make changes to the article as normal. You can preview as often as you'd like. When you're satisfied that all is well, click the submit button.


Your article then has to be approved by one of the mods for submission to the KB. PM one of the committee members, or preferably one of the forum admin team (such as BenF or Speedy), telling them about your KB article and providing a link to it if possible. Your part of the KB article submission is now done.